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Museum Œuvre Notre Dame


Info pratiques MOND

Practical information

Open every day except Monday.

From 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00 during the week.

From 10:00 to 18:00 on weekends.

Full price : 7€50 - Reduced price : 3€50

Accroche MOND

The rich collections from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance bear witness to the glorious past of the city, which was one of the most important art centres of the German Empire from the 13th to the 16th century. The masterpieces of statuary art from Strasbourg Cathedral are on display here alongside the finest testimonies to Upper Rhine art of the 15th and 16th centuries.

The tour, a synthesis of all the arts, takes place in harmony with the architectural setting of the museum. Behind the venerable façades of the House of the Œuvre Notre-Dame, an institution responsible for managing the Cathedral's construction site since the 13th century, the interior decorations, the cool courtyards and the charming Gothic garden contribute to a sense of familiarity with Strasbourg's past.

Go on a voyage of discovery through the museum's halls and collections: sculptures by the virtuoso artist Nicolas Gerhaert from Leiden, paintings by Conrad Witz, Hans Baldung Grien or the master of still life Sébastien Stoskopff, stained glass windows by Peter Hemmel from Andlau... The Musée de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame offers you a remarkable testimony of Strasbourg and Upper Rhine art from the Romanesque period to 1681.

Museum visit in English Sundays 7th July and 25th August at 15:00
Duration: 1 hour/Price: entrance fee
Designed for first-time visitors!